So yesterday afternoon I was disconnected and to my surprise unable to log back in. Well upon looking at my email i got a notification that i was banned for exploitation or whatever it is and have a 6 month hold on my account. Well to make the story interesting I haven't bot'd at all on this account and last time i ran the bot was in 2012, but never on the account that was banned. Note, i did have honorbuddy installed on my pc since i did pay for it but have never actually started it, heck it wasn't even up to date. But since 2013 I've gotten into the habit of just recording any gaming session i have just in case I have a memorable moment, and my monitor setup consists of 3 monitors the middle obviously for the game the right monitor i used for monitor processes and diagnostics in case I blue screen or have performance issues since I tend to overclock a lot, and then finally on the left screen i have all my overclock utilities and sensor information. Well since 2013 I've recorded all the footage of those 3 monitors and have them compressed into a 6 TB raid I offered to give it all to blizzard as proof of no fowl play i even had some recordings of me with the webcam playing and simply asked them to cross reference there logs with my time stamped (windows time in the task-bar, since i play in windowed mode) videos as proof that i was not botting, but obviously they pretty much went wacky with the ban hammer on the phone and said no can do. So I called my card company which i used to pay for all my wow things and presented them with my documentation and blizzards abrupt account closure and lack of disclosing the specifics of how they came to the conclusion that my account should be closed when i have conflicting video proof that i was not botting, lol. So all in all my card company refunded me every purchase to blizzard from 2013 to present. It kind of felt like winning the lottery, but I'm pretty sure my account will go from 6 month ban to full time, but hey I feel like it fair now. Moral of the story record everything you do cause it might just save you!