since WoD came.. I used to Bot Only in Garrison cause i had too many characters to be able to manage them all by hand and that was not even everyday or with all my characters... 2 months ago my friends decided to stop playing so I stoped as well but I had already purchased a 2 month now and then i logged with HBrelog through all my characters to gather garden/mine and do some missions all handled with Garrisonbuddy. Yesterday I didn't even loged so i dont know when that happened...Today when i Tried to Log in..I got a msg that this account is closed and cannot be used anymore... ? So That's It? Should I appeal? That was my main account. EDIT: I checked now my email and got a msg from blizzard: "Account Action: 6-Month Suspension Offense: Exploitation of game mechanics " Thats an autonatic error msg? Cause in my account it just say banned...notthing else... in 6 months i can play again? PS: Maybe part of the cause of the ban was that i recently started to move all my character's Gold to the Guild Bank? not very serious amounts something like 1-2k up to 10k (i have in gbank around 300k) but maybe that triggered something? PS2: At Least now i know 100% That this time it wasn't some player that saw me and reported me..... so somehow blizzard knows.... Also Im one of those that use Windows 7 64 and i have to run the game for the bot in 32bit...