Realm: EU Type: PvE Account created after the 16-Dec-2015 banwave?: Yes Account had previous suspensions or bans?: No How many (average) hours per day did you bot?: 3-5 What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot?: 70% How many auctions per day did you post on this account?: 0-10 Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account?: No Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account?: No Which Combat Routines have you used with this account during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?: Singular, Millz, TuanHA Other third-party (please specify): Enyo In which of these activities has the account participated as a bot during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?: -Archeology sessions (greater than four hours) -Dungeon diving (mixed human/bot party) -Gathering sessions -The account used VPN View attachment 5668 2016-11-09 20.40.txt