1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? BOTH 2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Release 3)If so, when was the last time?: 4)What profile were you using?: Custom 5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Monk / Paladin 6)What plugins are you using?: Forgot 7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: Approx 6-8 8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? All the time, replying to whispers, and etc. 9)How many auctions per day did you have?: Approx 4-20 Depending on RNG 10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No. 11)Was your account involved in gold selling? Buy and trade, yes. 12)EU or US realm? US. 13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Actually paid. I need help here, this is my first time, and I would like to know if anyone could give me advice on how to appeal to this kind of thing, they banned me for "Abusing the market" and I was wondering if anyone had the same issue, but was able to get away with it with a suspension?
Appealing bans in the US usually never works. US GM's are not as kind as EU. When I get banned in US I dont even appeal. Its almost always a lost cause but I also mass bot. You may have better luck if you were only caught with 1 account.
You can get your account back. I have done it. Just tell them that you dont know what they are talking about. Deny it and tell them to give you the account back.