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  • Banned to 2018/05/10

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Floop, Nov 24, 2016.

    1. Floop

      Floop New Member

      Apr 23, 2012
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      It's been a year since banhammer happened and I was banished again but the most amazing and that this time I had not used the bot..

      and i don't use the same computer and ethernet

      This is the information send by blizz
      Account Action: Suspended until 2018/05/10
      Violation: Abuse of game mechanic error
      In the recent activities of this account, the characters abused the functionality to the detriment of the game environment or the planned game experience.
      The account owner is responsible for all of her activities. We hold account suspensions and closures to protect our players and our services in accordance with our Terms of Use: blizzard.com/company/about/termsofuse.html
      Earnings for abuse, such as items or currency, can be removed as part of this action. Continued misconduct will result in additional penalties, including permanent closure. To challenge this action and learn more about its abusive activity, read our appeal process: battle.net/support/article/6741
      This World of Warcraft account will be re-activated on 2018/05/10.
      We appreciate your attention and understanding.
      Customer attendance service
      Blizzard Entertainment

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