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  • bans 6 mois

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by fightstorm, May 14, 2015.

    1. fightstorm

      fightstorm New Member

      Apr 30, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Action taken on the account: supendu Account for a period of six months

      Offence game mechanics Operations

      Our recent study of the activity of this account showed the presence of mechanical characters operator to the detriment of the gaming environment or gaming experience provided to users.

      The account owner remains responsible for all activity that takes place there. We apply suspensions and permanent closures of accounts to protect our players and our services in accordance with our terms of use: blizzard.com/company/about/termsofuse.html

      Note that the currency or items acquired through the abuse may have been withdrawn from the account during the application of this penalty. Any further deviation from our Terms of Use may result in further sanctions up to the final closure of the account. If you want us to look again this action or have more information about these abuses, thank you to consult our article protest sanctions: battle.net/support/article/6741

      This World of Warcraft account will be reactivated November 13, 2015.

      Thank you for your attention and understanding.


      Customer support
      Blizzard Entertainment

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