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  • Banwave - 19 May 2016 Discussion

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by sp3sh, May 20, 2016.

    1. UnderratedPost

      UnderratedPost Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      This is great :D So true
    2. JGreen

      JGreen Member

      Nov 4, 2015
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      Yes, I do agree with the post above. As I also do coding and work in IT - although not as hardcore as other programmers, I refuse to believe that nothing can be done about the current situation and the bot cannot be made better/safer.

      It all come down to 2 things
      - The will
      - The money

      The will is the most important one though.

      Last edited: May 29, 2016
    3. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      I'm as calm as I am in all my posts. The only time I get upset is when I repeat the same exact thing 5-10 times in a thread and it never syncs in.

      So go ahead, lets have a valid discussion. Provide some actual, useful information that switching HB to x64 will solve the detection and banwave issues. I could care less what the community's perceived view on the performance benefits of x64 are. The bot runs fine for hundreds of x86 users. If the bot is running poorly for you, it's something with your system that's the problem, not the bots.

      I think there's been 1 post ever that was able to actually provide some details how x64 would be able to make HB more secure. I'd love to hear some more information from you how upgrading the bot will do it.
      Thecamel likes this.
    4. UnderratedPost

      UnderratedPost Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      pretty obvious why they dont want to ban other bots as much, because if they make it look like HB is unsafe and other bots are safe it drives business away from HB. so they attack them via legal angle, business angle and detection angle.

      but those other bots already had their own banwaves anyway. Im sure i heard Fire Hack had a big banwave and that is 64 bit only which totally destroys the argument for 64 bit security. and the first time bliz makes a specific attempt to detect it they have a banwave which shows they have lousy security and no tripwire, prob bliz could banwave them every week if they wanted to :) if HB ever goes under the next most popular bot will be in line for all the legal and other attacks as chinajade recently pointed out. people should be grateful for the shield that HB is providing, you have no idea how ignorant and ungrateful you people are and what a huge service HB does to the bot community!
      Last edited: May 30, 2016
    5. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      We value any discussion on the forums and would like to hear every kind of criticisms. This is why we keep these threads open. Please keep the discussions in civil manner and stop turning them in to one-to-one bitch fights.

      In general, what I have noticed from what I read on this thread so far is that you guys are missing the point of we are being the #1 threat for Blizzard. Whatever we do, even if we do it 10 times better then any other bot out there, we will get hit the most.

      There is a group of people who thinks that we are lying. There is the other group of people who thinks that we are not component enough to stay away from Blizzard's radar. There is also the other group of people who thinks that we just don't care about anything at all.

      That is the down side of being forced to keep things in dark for the sake of a better future of our products. While we can not answer most of the questions and doubts in your mind, all we can say is that the time will show our devotion.

      I will have a quote from Chinajade that describes our situtation in a perfect way.

      Last edited: May 30, 2016
    6. UnderratedPost

      UnderratedPost Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      keep up the amazing works guys! :)
    7. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Don't even bother mate.. They simply don't care...

      They are expecting a $20k US product for 40 pounds..
    8. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Another worthless post from the dev's here...

      You want to know why people think you're straight up lying? I'll explain it you very simply.

      1. Because you come out after every banwave and you say you have no idea how Blizzard is finding you. You've been doing it since day 1. You've given up development of bots because of this.
      2. You make ridiculous claims that blizz is using "spyware". If Blizz using such "spyware", how come no other company has ever been able to find said "spyware", or as far as I know, have ever made such ridiculous claims themselves?
      2. Because no matter what you do, Blizzard is beating you into the ground. They seem to be 2 steps ahead of you at every turn.
      3. You are unable to think outside the box and update your program in a way to protect us as users. "Oh, Blizzard is watching traffic on the IP addresses we use. I have a solution though...Let's add MORE IP's! That will surely stump them!"
      And the most important one is...
      4. YOU ARE STRAIGHT UP LYING TO YOUR USER BASE. It's easy to make claims that someone's lying when you come out and fully admit to it. Using terms like "keeping the community in the dark" and "intentionally vague" prove this pretty soundly.
    9. UnderratedPost

      UnderratedPost Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      1. that's not even true...if they know what caused it they say otherwise they are HONEST and tell us the truth, would you rather them pretend they know exactly what happened and the problem is fixed? most companies would do that. their honesty and integrity should be applauded
      2. you have no idea what they mean by spyware, obviously what they mean is blizzard is including things in the WoW client (separate from warden) that can detect bots, and there is plenty of documented evidence of this
      3. you have no idea if blizzard are two steps ahead, its very possible they just got lucky sometimes as chinajade said, you have no idea how many times we would be banned if it wasnt for the tripwire
      4. "think outside the box and update your program" is just some meme management phrase made by someone with no technical expertise, how do you know they havent been updating the software to protect us? we know for a fact they updated and changed how HB injects when they discovered what caused the first two banwaves, so you are factually wrong
      5. totally dishonest perversion of what they are saying and ignorance of the fantastic points raised by chinajade on why they have to keep us in the dark to a large extent, intentionally vague is not LYING learn the definition

      why are you are becoming one of the ignorant ragers you usually argue against? your arguments are just getting stupid now, and apparently you cant even count to 5 which says a lot LOL
    10. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      I really wish these forums still had an ignore button.

      Your blind devotion to HB is just sad. Keep on thinking that they do no wrong. Even they admit that they do wrong, yet you choose to not read it.

      This is the last time I'll respond to any of your posts. You'll open your eyes some day. That day may be when Bossland finally admits they have no clue what they're doing from a security stand point, or it may be when blizz finally drives the entire user base away by rolling out banwaves on a weekly basis, but it's coming. We'll see how much you still love HB when it happens.
    11. UnderratedPost

      UnderratedPost Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      i bet the developers are laughing their asses off. if they ever did that it would probably be good for us because it would give a lot of chances to see what bliz tricks are :) bliz have managed what 3 banwaves and HB has been around since WoTLK, that's a pretty good record
    12. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      It's actually been around longer if I'm not mistaken. I started playing WoW at TBC and started botting at the beginning of WotLK. They had posts that dated back to before I started botting, so I'm pretty sure (though, as I said, I could be wrong) they were around before WotLK.
    13. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      We said we have no idea how Blizzard is finding us on the very first banwave. We admitted that second banwave was a mess up from our side as the tripwire was not fully functioning. That was the same tripwire that stopped a banwave attempt a few months after that as it was fully functional.

      And the tripwire is dodged by Blizzard at the last and the third banwave.

      I don't know how you came in to the conclusion that we say we have no idea after *every* banwave while we only said that *once*. All our announcements are publicly accessible in the Archives section.

      Referencing the wiki article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spyware here. Not every spyware has to be malicious. Blizzard has been doing OOP scans of the processes running on your computer. I am curious about what your definition of spyware is.

      We have went with no banwaves for 5 years straight. Tripwire has caught at least 6 or 7 banwave attempts. We don't do public announcements when those happen. You only hear the bad ones.

      You are not knowledgeable enough to judge us in that manner as you don't really know what we are doing behind the scenes. We will not come here and write what we have been doing to protect Honorbuddy as it will render all we do useless.

      I have nothing to say for that. It is up to you to think that way.

      On a side note, calling someone's post worthless or their claims ridiculous, does not make your arguments stronger. Instead, it just decreases the credibility of your own post.
      Last edited: May 30, 2016
      chinajade likes this.
    14. UnderratedPost

      UnderratedPost Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      oh wow...didn't realise
    15. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Do you really want me to go back and find the posts after each banwave that VERY CLEARLY has said "We have no idea how we were detected. We have theories but no solid evidence". I can do that. If you'd like me to, I will. Feel free to reference the very first post in this thread. You can clearly see how you are wrong. I have no problem proving you wrong on the other banwaves, too.

      According to that same wiki that you love to quote, "Spyware is software". It's the very first sentence, feel free to go read it. Now go ahead and show us that supposed software they used. Oh you can't? Oh, noone else can? Oh, noone has ever made ridiculous claims like HB has? That seems a little odd.

      This, again, is a straight up lie. There has been AT LEAST 2 other banwaves before the last ones. I've been here since the beginning. I lost accounts in those other banwaves. Go ahead and try to say that there hasn't been others. If you really want, I can go back and find when those banwaves occurred as well.

      You're right, I'm not qualified to. But whatever you guys are supposedly doing behind the scenes is a complete and utter failure. It doesn't matter if you stopped 5-6 other attempts, the only thing that people remember is your failures. And you guys are quite literally failing at your jobs. All of you devs say that Blizz is winning the game. That means you are either bad at your jobs, straight up incompetent, you aren't actually doing anything, or Blizz is just all around smarter and more talented than you.

      I don't really care how feel about the credibility of my posts. Until you prove me otherwise, I can say that absolutely noone should trust you as a credible source either. You seem to have both short and long-term memory loss, or you're simply ignoring what other devs and mods have said on these forums.
    16. hackitbaby

      hackitbaby Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      i cant believe i really gonna say that but some thinks ryftobuddy pointed out are absolutly correct but we must be fair.
      What raphus posted istn a lie - i sayed it before they dont lie to us, they just dont post the whole truth - they do that for reasons and for me its ok but raphus you cannot say we never lie to you and we try to be honest when you are not 100%.

      That out of process scan are being made was documented a few times by other forums and its a simple fact but you will never be able to prove that at law. Blizzard isnt doing that public and all the time - they do that from time to time for like 15minutes.
      Blizzard isnt the only company doing that - the best in those things is Valve and no one ever could prove that so they get their ban overturned.
      Its hard to stop that oop scan or shut down the bot in that very second (i think thats what tripwire is for - recognize the scan and shut down whole hb correct me if i am wrong).
      And pls dont say uhhh its in their TOS or EULA or whatever (for a fact its not).
      It is illegal and thats a fact (doesnt matter from where you are) and the big anti cheats systems do it, but they are clever so you will never be able to prove that.

      That tripewire got flamed a lot is normal and that will happen every time it comes to banwaves.
      The only critism i have here is: what the fuck is wrong with your coders - i mean if i would write an anti spyware app to whatch out for process i would know if it gets blocked.
      Thats a failure which is beging for flames tbh.
      At least when i understood your posts correctly and thats what really happened when the banwave came (the last one).
      I started to believe that tripwire is a lie a few month back but i am not 100% sure and nobody can outside from bossland.

      Whatsoever - dont give up and try to keep us as safe as possible whatever its gonna take.
      Last edited: May 30, 2016
    17. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      I am not asking you to do anything. It is up to you to prove your non sense claims, not me.

      Sorry but this literally made me laugh out loud. I guess a software has to be an executable file in your world.

      Yet again, I do not want anything from you. It is you that is still making delusional claims and it is up to you to prove yourself right. I will not waste my time disproving what every single user claims to be right.

      I am sorry that we failed you. However, we never claimed that we are better, smarter, or more talented then a billion dollar company. I am not sure what you are expecting us to be.

      Let the people reading this decide who to trust or not. I can say a lot things too but I choose not to as there is no point on saying most of it.
    18. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      So Raphus, you don't remember saying this:

      "We do not know and do not have a way to find out how the latest detection took place."

      Your memory is as good as your ability to program security into your bot. Which seems to be non-existent.

      I backed up my claim. What can you do to disprove my "delusions" now?

      I'm glad you don't want anything from me. Keep in mind that I as your customer pay your wages. You're just as bad as the other staff members here. Nothing but a bunch of greedy liars and hypocrites.

      I wish you best with your "legendary" forums. It's probably the only thing that has the potential to save your company from being crushed by Blizzard.
    19. UnderratedPost

      UnderratedPost Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      now I can see why the developers don't usually try to correct people, it's like pissing against the wind when you have people like ryftobuddy who have already come to a conclusion and have made it their agenda to spread disinformation. if I were HB I would ban this guy but I guess his idiotic ramblings just add to the noise so it's all good :D

      nothing more odious than a mixture of ignorance and self-entitlement!!
    20. ripcurl2269

      ripcurl2269 New Member

      Jun 25, 2010
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      Honestly, dude you basically are just pulling stuff out of your asshole. Like are you an engineer? Do you have any semblance of an idea the monumental challenge these guys face. Like to put in in perspective, Activision/EA/Blizzard is a billion dollar conglomeration. Who can afford to hire top minds from upper echelon CS schools (Stanford, Carnegie Melon, Harvard.. etc. etc.). It's shocking to me that these ban waves only occur every 6months. To be honest I feel like if blizzard really wanted they could hire some Machine Learning experts for 200k/year and be done with it. I'm speculating here, but I would not be surprised if thats why/how the ban waves occur atm. Notice they occur cyclically every ~6months. They prob run a background ML algorithm that analyzes some backend data they have, (this is costly which is why they do not run it 24-7). Granted this is all speculation it's neither here nor there regarding your temper tantrum.

      Relatively speaking the service provided is top notch. Do you even have a semblance of a clue as to the sophistication that is packed into this bot? Without going into to much jargon it's fucking impressive, and is probably a 100K+ LOC code base.

      You come across as that person who goes to Wendys. Orders a cheeseburger, then throws a temper tantrum when it's not filet mignon. Entitled beyond belief.
      Yes you pay for it, but you aren't paid for code written by God. You are paying for code written by a handful of dudes up against a billion dollar corporation. Look at the cost to benefit ratio of all the time the bot played for you that you did not have to physically play. If you bot for just a week and got some semblance of a reward, doing some side napkin math it looks like it is worth to me at just ~20$ for a lifetime license or w.e.

      I got banned too, what sucks is I was only back for ~5days. On a large macro scale I've been botting on and off for 8 years with this bot. If you put your hand on the stove enough times you are going to get burnt. What part of that do people not get. Relatively speaking 2 bans in ~8 years aint bad. Considering I paid 20$ and this thing has saved me oh IDK 1000's of hours of my life that I spent doing real shit rather than clicking flowers in Nagrand.

      Like take a step back and gain some perspective.
      chinajade and UnderratedPost like this.

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