I got a really weird error today, and after some research, I'm worried that I'll be banned soon. It said, 'The spell cannot be cast on beastmaster or invis god targets.' I found a few other instances of this across the internets, and my conclusion is that when a player tries to buff a GM target, they are given this error. Here is one example I came across, where a player tried to put Old Spices on a GM: http://oi41.tinypic.com/mu7q0.jpg The possibility that I'm afraid of is that I was being investigated by a GM who was using an 'invis god' tool, and one of my spells tried to buff or attack him. If a GM is spending his limited time watching me, it means that I'm a suspected botter, and they probably have a file on me with some degree of evidence. And it means that the first time I try to sell gold, I'll be banned. I don't know any of this for sure, but it seems logical to me. The information may help some people out there.
This is nothing new and not anything you should be worried about, any player can get that message you just received.
I'm afraid this isn't very reassuring. I suppose I'll just keep playing, and hope for the best. I'll report any action on my account.
I have seen this message few years ago, when i was stuck somwhere, made ticked and had to GM teleport me bit farther (i was in instance). I was talking with him for a while and then tried throw snowball at him, recieved this error message.. imgur: the simple image sharer
Umm, you might wanna spend more time editing that picture bro or just remove it.. i can still see what your name is..