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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Meliodas, Sep 6, 2015.

    1. Meliodas

      Meliodas New Member

      Sep 5, 2015
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      Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and HearthBuddy. I need some help getting started though. I quit playing Hearthstone, after the Naxx release, because someone hacked into my account and I wasn't able to get it back. So, I stopped playing altogether. Now, I'm re-joining after a couple years and am going to try again.

      I'm currently having the bot run, to get all basic decks to level 10, here's my issue. None of my cards are good enough, to make a new deck, that will win even in basic casuals. I've checked around This forum in some places, and all the beginner decks I've seen, are all very out-dated and sadly, haven't gotten me a single Win, even in casuals. I also checked HearthPwn.com and Icyveins.com. Neither of which had anything more up to date either. Which was pretty saddening. So, can someone help me out? As far as what cards I own. I own all the level 10 Basic deck cards, a couple of mage Rare's, but, nothing that great, and not a Single Legendary to my name. Now, I understand that I'm not going to win all the time, or even a quarter of the time, given the cards at my disposal. I just want to win enough, that I can complete daily quests. That's all. I know that some people might suggest I try playing in Arena. Here's the issue. I don't know or remember enough about the game to construct an even half way decent deck in Arena and, quite frankly, deck building has never been my strong suite. I know I'm asking for alot, and appreciate everyone's time and help. Especially those, that read this huge wall of text. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys. :)

      TL;DR: Basically, The short version. Is that, I've checked many websites, including these forums for a deck to help me complete Daily Quests for Gold. All of them, appear to be out-dated and haven't worked out for me at all. I don't have many cards, and need help in making a deck that will atleast help me complete daily quests.
      Last edited: Sep 6, 2015
    2. sakuraouji

      sakuraouji New Member

      Jun 29, 2015
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    3. Ahbeng

      Ahbeng New Member

      Nov 21, 2014
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      Sakurasama has given you a good link. Understand it is a very slow process to start out as F2P. I'm not a huge fan of using the bot for arena. But that's just me.

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