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  • Beginner Needing Tips

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by MorvetteWoW, Sep 9, 2014.

    1. MorvetteWoW

      MorvetteWoW New Member

      May 10, 2013
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      I'm pretty new to botting. I've done it a few times to help level a couple toons.

      I'm a gold maker on my main account and I sold some of my gold to buy a battle chest so that I can stop botting on my main account because I don't want to get banned. I'm currently leveling a character with the bot on the new account but I'm not sure what to do to make more gold once it gets higher up. I still need to sell the gold to get MoP, which won't take much.

      I have found someone who will buy gold from me on demand, but I'd like to look at my options and see if there's anywhere else that is reliable to sell gold to.

      I'd like to mention that I'm not trying to make a "business" out of botting, I'd just like to make a way that I can learn something new (the ins and outs of botting) and support my habit at the same time. I've been buying game time for quite some time, but if I bought it with a botting account, my main account wouldn't be as much at risk. I also have a full time job so I don't really need the income, but again, it'd be nice for this habit to support itself :p

      I have plans in the future to buy more accounts. I just don't have the means to yet. Starting from nothing and working my way up

      So, Questions:
      1. What are some tips you have for me as a beginner?
      2. Where can I go to sell gold with minimized risk? (I'd like to compare prices.)
      3. What are some ways I can maximize my profits?

      Thanks for all of your help!
    2. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dude please use the search function. This is asked at least once a week.

      This is no secret as it also has already been mentioned approx. 1 billion times in threads... nobody will hand out his customers or secret gold farming spots. I think that's understandable.
    3. MorvetteWoW

      MorvetteWoW New Member

      May 10, 2013
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      Dude, I'm not asking for secrets. Just tips.

      And also, if you don't have anything to contribute, please don't respond.
      Oh and I'm female, not male. I find it highly offensive for people to just assume I'm a male because I'm playing a video game and botting.
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    4. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Would you contribute the same stuff over and over again, or point "new users" to existing information?
      And i find it highly offensive asking stuff that has already been answered 1 trillion times in 1 trillion threads.
    5. MorvetteWoW

      MorvetteWoW New Member

      May 10, 2013
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      You aren't obligated to respond. If you don't like what someone posts, then maybe you should just stay out of their thread. k, thanks.

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