Mage Rogue DK Warrior Paladin Hunter Priest Warlock Druid Which one is the fastest and most efficient at mining and herbing?
On a Pale Horse Rank 2 You become as hard to stop as death itself. The duration of movement-slowing effects used against you is reduced by 30%, and your mounted speed is increased by 20%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects. Frost spec, tier 2
Tauren paladin. +Herbing Speed +Speed Buff +Selfheal +Plate Armor FTW. ATM I'm using a fresh lvl.85 Dk since I've moved to another server, but I'm also leveling a Pally Cow and plan to turn it into my main farmer toon.
I think tauren druid is better as Flight form saves a lot of time. Druid seems to be fine in combat, mangle is main skill.
no other options really. DK/Pally for mining (and herbing too) Druid for herbing (they can herb in flight form).
Paladin just because you have to have a level 70 to make a dk which then starts at 55 (although leveling a dk is a joke)..unless they changed it to where you dont need a 70 to make a dk then I would just go for a dk. The problem with paladins is that mana sucks as a resource and gb has no way of intelligently healing itself (although I havent botted with my paladin since cata first came out and I've heard that ret healing is op at the moment but its also being fixed). With a proper cc and gb2 I would probably go with a paladin.
Did Druid to level 60 - didn't like it. Then I got a Paladin up to 85 and loved that. Now I'm trying a DK... starting at 55 is very appealing.
DK/Pala for speed buffs (mining) Tauren Druid for hebing in flightform and 0.5sec herbing time (herb) [if you set the bot to ignore combat you will ninja alot of herbs to, even before creatures or players even can attack you.]
Shockadin. Holy paladin with DPS talents, basically. You're like a cockraoch, you can survive dam near everything and pull good dps. Not amazing, don't expect 19k DPS whilst levelling. lol. But really, you'll hardly, if ever, die. Able to take on multiple mobs, able to solo elites, it's hella fun tbh.
Not really Pala bubble is easy to break with dispelling if you now it dk is easy to beat as a frost mage with kiting