Just curious if anyone else has done this and has any insight into the best way to do it. I have a fully geared holy paladin and a fully geared protection war on two different accounts. I want to have the two of them farm some of the easiest instances. Obviously I can't use LFD because it fills the group. Is my only option to run them into the instance, fire up both bots with IB, wait until they finish, then run them out, reset, and repeat?
Sadly with a team that is exactly what you have to do. Normally I think they would both leave and the leader resets, but every time I try the healer ends up getting left in the dungeon while the leader resets. Not sure if IB is borked in that section or the dungeon grind mode wasn't meant for more than one person. Sad really, cause I have heard reports of people power leveling their new characters this way.
I used to do this but I drove the tank (back in LK) and had 4 accts on IB I haven't tried it with the new IB since cata came out, b/c cata is too fucking hard w/ the crap gear that's out
That's exactly what I'm doing. My lowbie rogue friend seems to be getting ~70% of mob experience when I kill everything so I want to powerlevel him by having my two bot the instances while he just follows along.