Hello, I have been up and down the forms trying to find up to date information on the profile/ plugin to level alt classes. I have seen that the fatebot is pretty decent but my issue is in the mid-level area fates few and far between and no one is there to help. So what do you guys recommend for RB to help level up your alt classes? Not looking for something 100% afk, just something to run while I watch Netflix and dick around in FC chat.
Fate Bot, basically. These are the best zones for the levels, iirc: 01-10 | Any Starting Zone 10-20 | Aleport/Swiftperch 20-35 | Quarrymill 30-35 | Costa del Sol 35-45 | Camp Dragonhead 45-50 | Camp Bluefog/CCP (or you can stick to Camp Dragonhead if you are concerned about NThan botting)
Sweet thanks for the info! Is Fatebot with Ultima CR good enough to do the fates solo or is it best to wait for others to be doing them as well?
For mob fates, sure. For boss fates, depending on your server population, time of day, and level relative to the zone, you might want to set the completion % at like 5% so you're not the first one there. Not needed if there's a lot of people fating in the zone, and it might cause you to not get there in time in that case. Most importantly, make sure you have a healing chocobo.