Hey everyone, I know the best practice is to just sit in front of your system and stare at the logs, but let's be honest with ourselves. What would the real point of the bot be if you were monitoring it every second of every moment you're logged in. Generally, I am right there and either alt+tabbed out looking at something online or watching tv. Occasionally tells will pass through my chat and I'll miss them. I'd like to figure out a way to review tells that I may have missed and make sure I didn't miss something that could get me in trouble. I understand the risks involved with botting and not watching, but I'm curious if anyone else has found anything good for this.
Create a new chat tab, disable everything else except tells, dislodge it from the main chat bar, drag it to a visible part of your screen.
You can set yourself to busy and nobody will be able to send you a tell due to that status, it's not the same as away, it indicates you're there just busy doing something. I do it all the time while fishing when I'm getting spammed for gilsellers. You can also just ban them and set the screen to windowed mode in the smallest window and surf or watch tv and still have the windowed game open enough to see incoming tells.
Did you check out guildwork? They have remote chat for ffxiv. i pull that up in a webpage and look at it every so often.