I start bot 3-4 days ago, which is the best way to Bot ? After I did all dalily quests what should I do to get more gold ? I should Play Custom or Ranked ? I should LvL up all classes or I just bot randomly to get more win possible ?
There isn't really a "best" way to use the bot... It all comes down to what you want in the game: - If you want golden hero portraits, play ranked at rank 20 with the "concede after win" option enabled - If you want gold, bot your quests (either in ranked or in casual), and get your 100 daily gold - If you want arena progress, use the arena option with this file https://www.thebuddyforum.com/hearthbuddy-forum/176961-temp-arenavalues-xml.html Most people here bot for player progression. Gold is an after-thought. If I were you I'd just get all my classes to level 50+, and then work on golden portraits.