i tried to run bgbot on shamwow cc and it just ques up leaves que and repeats non stop any idea whats wrong here?
EU or USA? See, EU has had BG queue issues since yesterday, sometimes it doens't allow you to queue at all. I found this out when I checked my HB remotely and found it trying to queue over and over, checked wow screen, it said *unavailable to queue* checked forums, it was an issue, and yeh.. If not EU, I hope you fix it D=. Fresh install, download, extract to a new folder, don't add anything to it or change any settings, just log in, and try to queue for a BG with it. . GOOD LUCK
just got back from a trip this weekend and still the same thing is happening if this being looked into?
you are the only one with this issue we will have to teamviewer it catch me on Live Support at tony@honorbuddy.com(msn)