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  • BG bot staying at flags too long...

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Crazybob, Jan 16, 2011.

    1. Crazybob

      Crazybob New Member

      Jan 15, 2011
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      I don't really know where to put this topic. I play a DK and just use this program to farm honor. So here goes.

      When using BG bot beta I notice it will stay at flags too long.

      Say Im on the road and it decides to go to stables. It will path to stables and once I get there it will just sit for what seems like forever sometimes. Or at least until I'm killed.

      Currently is only happening when horde owns the node I'm at or its contested in hordes favor.

      One more thing, the honorbuddy says 'Activity: Moving to Stables' or farm or whichever one I'm sitting at. Is there any way to get the bot back moving after 30 seconds - 1 min?

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