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  • BG Buddy - Needs More Randomness

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by deltasniper213, Feb 25, 2012.

    1. deltasniper213

      deltasniper213 New Member

      Nov 28, 2011
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      I find that the bot seems more botlike in bgs now than ever - not talking about combat wise but when you see 4 people run up to the same flag all mount up and run the same path and everything to every flag you can be sure they are bots and im glad to see alot of people using the bot and enjoying it but i do think that you guys need to add some randomness into the bot maybe so it will go to different places or wont start out at flag 1 ect... its just to obvious for me now i know whos botting before i just had to double take.
    2. RG101

      RG101 New Member

      Jan 23, 2012
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      I would agree with you, I think it needs a if someone is taking the flag then don't try to capture it. I see someone capturing it and then like 3-4 bots come and start doing it aswell and then start there doing nothing for 20-30 seconds after it is captured, then they all mount at the same time and go to the same place together.
    3. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Randomness is on its limits,cant be more random
    4. AtticusG3

      AtticusG3 New Member

      Aug 27, 2011
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      But it used to be more random. There is a certain amount of fail in the BGBuddy logic, I am too scared to run it myself now. it says it's randomised paths, yet it consistenly chooses the same "random" path as every other bot on my team.

      I dont' know the solution, and I'm not usually one to post this sort of thing, but ignoring it doesn't help. Sorry Tony, but there is a problem.
    5. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Randomizing doesnt mean that it will follow another path if another bot is on the same path with you
    6. evilseed

      evilseed Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Tony, that's not what is mentioned. I have also witnessed this flaw in randomizes, After 1 hour of BGbuddy, it stays the same path again and again from the start. So say there are 5 possible paths to start the BG its always selecting path 1...this happends after some time.

      So when I start clean, like now, its choosing different paths. Its really random... but after a while, it uses the same path over and over again.
    7. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      as i already we have tested for many many hours,Randomization is on its limits
    8. deltasniper213

      deltasniper213 New Member

      Nov 28, 2011
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      wish we had an option of using bgbot beta then : /
    9. RG101

      RG101 New Member

      Jan 23, 2012
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      For example Arathi Basin when it starts the first flag all bots go for is the farm (horde) and when people are botting every bot does this so there is always a lot of people trying to capture a flag and it looks stupid, then after it is captured it will wait for x amount of seconds and then mounts up, every bot does the exact same thing here, then they travel in the same direction.

      Personally I believe you could randomize it by making it choose a different flag to capture rather than the same one everything and then making the time waited at the flag after capture random, this way everyone isn't going at the same time in the same direction.
    10. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      guys a bot will never act exactly how a human would act
      what we are trying here is to make it to look as human like as possible
    11. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I see what both sides are saying because i understand both sides. It *shouldn't* be too difficult to code if x players are already at farm then go to BS instead if No flags are captured yet. Without dismounting at farm first. And since the bot does have at least a 2 seconds lag before it runs out the gate at the start of the BG there are *always* at least 1-2 people already at farm by the time the bot gets there.

      I am not sure what has changed, if anything, since the Beta on IRC but i wont run BGbuddy afk anymore for this and many more reasons. The randomization of paths is ALOT better than it was before no doubt but the logic still needs a lot of TLC.
    12. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      I agree, but I also agree that a lot of work was put into the bot... keep raphus busy ;).
    13. echelon17

      echelon17 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Of course not, but there is a lot that *can* be done to improve the situation. The current randomization does indeed help to ensure that not all bots are following identical paths, but this is just pathing randomization and seemingly nothing else. It's a great start, but it needs some tweaking. For example, in AV from Alliance side, sometimes the bot will go up the mountain on the left hand side after coming out of the gate. NO human would ever do this, it's slower and a waste of time.

      In Battlegrounds, the bot should always stay within a group of people rather than just randomly hurling itself at the enemy. 75% of the time I see the bot decide to approach a point with little to no care for the number of enemy players at it. I can see that currently the bot will look at points that are in conflict and perhaps try and assist, but what it doesn't do is apparently look at the number of enemy players in that area. Naturally when it comes to enemy players you're going to be limited by the object detection of WoW, which is what.. 100 yards or so? Even with this, it should be possible to detect how "dangerous" a point is by approaching it. If I approach a resource point and it has 6 enemy players at it, I'm pretty much screwed, so continuing to that point is suicide and a sure sign of "HEY GUYS, I'm a bot, please kill me."

      Squire (the plugin) had a reasonably good approach to this and looked at the location of everyone in your group in order to calculate the player density. Something native like this would probably work very well.
    14. deltasniper213

      deltasniper213 New Member

      Nov 28, 2011
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      dont get me wrong im not saying alot of work hasnt been put into it.
    15. ambrose

      ambrose New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      I have to TOTALLY disagree with many here. BGBuddy is far better than BGBot. I run nothing but BGs for around 23 hours a day and I have NEVER seen my toon on the same path as someone else. I refuse to chalk that up to luck, considering how often I run it. Arelog + HB (BGBuddy) = straight win.

      The only thing I wish it could do was loot (w/o the need for a plugin) and return flags (w/o the need for a pluign). I am nearing full cataclysmic on 5 toons and have managed to get all mounts and heirloom gear. Now all my HP goes towards Elementium, which all but eliminates my need to farm mats in Uldum (which is riskier, imo).

      EDIT: also on all my toons but my rogue i am top 3 in damage nearly every time. the only whispers i ever get are 'gj' or 'damn...nice dmg'.
    16. mymegabot

      mymegabot Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Really? Difficult to believe ... what's your setup? This sounds more like fanboi talk than reality. I run BGBuddy all the time as well, across multiple characters ... and I often, OFTEN, see it on the same path. While not mathematically impossible, it's pretty damn improbable that you haven't seen this either if you're running nearly as much as you claim.

    17. Awol

      Awol New Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      I don't see how it can so consistently act differently for you than it does me. There is very clear shared pathing in the BGs that is made more obvious by the fact that the shared paths are followed at the same time even deep into a fight after random events should have created some separation. Some of the AV paths it takes no human would ever purposely follow.

      I have no problem identifying fellow botters in BGs.

      I still use it and like it but I wont AFK for long and I frequently turn it off to change the path manually for awhile before restarting it. I also find it odd that it will mount up and run right past a key fight i.e. protecting our flag carrier or hitting an enemy flag carrier. I've also seen it run past contested locations when it could have made the difference if it joined the fight. Also I wish it would loot but w/e its a bot I take the good with the bad.

      If I could put a wish list here I would ask for player selectable behaviors. I.E. maybe I want it to play defensively, or offensively, or weighted 60/40. I would like to prevent it from leaving unattended. Maybe I want it to farm honor and concentrate primarily on PvP or strategically and concentrate primarily on map objectives.

      allowing us to make these choices could in itself add another level of randomization to the game.
    18. zuabros

      zuabros Active Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      bgbuddy is great. my bots never felt alone anymore now that a legion of other bots will always be with him... HHAHAHAH :)

      Nobody complains when 5 bots are following the exact same zuabros' route farming in uldum...

      what do you want? Isaac azimov robot playing wow?hahaha... no man. this is just a bot. And it is doing a great job.
    19. ambrose

      ambrose New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      If you look at some of my past posts, you'll know I'm anything but a "fanboi". I was arguably the biggest critic of BGBot. If BGBuddy was even half as bad as some of you make it out to be, I'd be posting about it.

      All the issues with the mesh that make the Quest bot unusable, the constant hang-ups from Archaeology bot or the fact that using GatherBuddy is asking to have your account banned if you use a public profile, is the reason I practically use ONLY BGBuddy. So take your "fanboi" crap elsewhere.

      Does BGBuddy have a few issues? sure...but it's primarily the mesh, not the bot. And for a bot it looks about as 'human' as you're going to get it. If you don't like it...find a 'better' bot...but good luck.
    20. ripglider

      ripglider New Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      I don't want to down the PVP parts of HB since I've geared 12 toons in PVP gear for the last 2 seasons 99% afk but there are a few problems with SOTA. I was watching SOTA for a few BG's today to decide if I would afk it or not. My toon is still going to the lower level of the boat and gettings stuck there. This didn't happen every BG but it did happen a in a few that I watched. I saw him constantly getting stuck on completely random things like rocks or trees. He would run to closed gates and just sit there trying to run through the gate until he afk'd or the BG ended. If I got shot by the cannon he would sometimes just run in circles until the cannon killed me. I saw him randomly swim off into the water once.

      Overall I still think its great and I still afk on my main account and other account. Of all the problems I saw they weren't occuring very often. SOTA is a fast based BG so people seem to not take too much notice.

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