Hello together, i have done BGbuddy today and after first Bg run the Bot afked and flyed out of the BG. This happens after new patch, before, worked all fine. I have downloaded and installed again HB but the problem still persist. Hope someone can help!
Same issue for me.. BGbuddy is constantly stopping.. when BG starts it is doing nothing and i got Deserted, its like 50/50 now, once bot goes afk, once he does good job in participating in BG ;/
Hi again. Here you can see the log, he had deserter 2 times in 1 hour. You can see it at the end of the log. [15:56:11.581 N] [BGBuddy]: Waiting for deserter to fade off [15:56:49.120 N] Latency to Buddy service: 44 ms View attachment 1948 2016-11-02 15.32.txt