Here is a profile for AV - Alliance I made, which skips Captain Galvandar, as sometimes teams will not kill him and the bot will get stuck there and get reported AFK, as it happened right now to me. Alliance only, as Horde don't need to really kill Galv. Use only if people in your Battlegroup have the habit of skipping Galv too often. Tested and works perfectly. Never even once took a detour to check on Galv. Edit - This is based on the profile, which ships with Honorbuddy, I just removed the Galvandar hotspot to prevent bots from getting stuck on him when our team leaves him alive. View attachment Alterac Valley.xml
I want Bump this Thread because it solved my problem with [BGBuddy]: Moving to IcebloodGarrison [Reason: Captain Galvandar] and i think every Alliance player have same problem with BGbuddy
I just did a search and found this on the forums because I've been having the exact same problems. Hopefully this profile helps, thanks!