Bot keeps on getting the deserter debuff. Log: View attachment 2-22-2012_5_09 PM 3228 Log.txt "[6:05:04 PM:212] [BGBuddy]: Waiting for deserter to fade off" Some BG's nothing happens, others, it just gets Deserter. I have tried to piggy back off of some peoples threads to get this fix, but still no solution was given, so i am posting my own thread. Would be great if i could BG with out getting Deserter every other game. Other thread:
have you been watching it? does it look like its just going afk? or are you getting stuck somewhere? theres nothing in the logs
looks like afk, not getting stuck. Just seems to sit there and not even defend it self at certain points.
happened to me when the bot kept loading tiles and then started running into the wall till he gets inactive. fresh install + clearing mesh folder fixed it