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  • BGBuddy humping walls

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by gilette, Mar 9, 2012.

    1. gilette

      gilette New Member

      Aug 31, 2011
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      BGBuddy humping stuff near graveyards. BGBuddy users know what Im talkin about. I wont name places cos blizz might be watching. I can generate blackspot but should I add this blackspot to where? And why isnt these kind of blackspots be default with the Honorbuddy? Over half year of use and still lots of blackspots. No offence, but most of the places arent that friendly for all classes. Or mounted friendly either.

      I dont know how HB handles char models in general, I wish there was some way to make the HB think "OK, this guy is gnome, so we can use this path. Oh this time its not gnome, so lets make it run around the object becose the blah blah object is class tauren so the character model will get stuck so the char will have to run around it."

      ^ Basically impossible stuff to do. Easier way is, to create blackspots so that the char runs around stuff alltime, and doesnt think he has noclip trough stuff all times. Best way, maybe, to make observe supervise BGBuddy and make custom black spots by hand. Im I correct?
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\BGBuddy

      these are the profiles you wanna edit, and yes adding blackspots should work to fix those area's

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