Hey. The combatroutine is working, but movement isn't working. Well, movement works while in combat. But as soon as combat stops, but just stands there. Same if you die, bot doesn't move out of the GY for the rest of the battleground. Any suggestions?
Nope, I was to quick to say thanks. Well, thanks for the suggestion anyhow. BUT! It still does it. Just got deserter, waited it off - first death, bot doesnt move away from GY. Bot works fine in BGBuddy until it either leaves combat first time or dies. EDIT: New log.
Weird - I uninstalled, deleted and ran a new HB Installer downloaded through the website.. I'll try again
New from a fresh HB installer, downloaded from this link: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/threads/honorbuddy-v3-0-890.404953/ Even installed it in a new directory, and used controlpanel removal of the old HB in another directory. First BG --> First death --> no movement, and first deserter. New (new?) log:
That one works! It must be your installer that mixes things up. I used the installer from the update-post, and it didnt work Thanks anyhow! EDIT: Still works horrible, and doesn't always resume walking. It revived one time, then moved a bit, had "[BGBuddy]: We've gotten to far away from the original target spot. Blacklisting target for 5s and clearing." in middle of road in AB, and then stood still for several minutes. I'll have a look if it was a coincidence. If not, I'll provide a new log. It does seem like your new update has serious issues with BGBuddy movement.
As I was writing the other reply, the bot doesn't move again after GY deaths. It seems like the reason it moved the other time, is because someone got it in combat by moving close to the GY. New log: EDIT: Just watched it stop moving as per usual without dying, but just by leaving combat. And when it does move, it completely ignores the four enemies bashing away on it, and just keeps running without engaging in combat. I don't remember BGBuddy ever being this horrible.
I saw Bossland replying to another post about trying to change DirectX to 9. So I did that, and it fixed the movement issues. Works now and has been working for several hours.
I'm about to lose my shit. Suddenly it doesn't work again, and toon doesn't move after dying / leaving combat.