I logged in this morning and saw my own bot and many others, mounting, dismounting, mounting, dismounting, run a few yards, mounting, dismounting, mounting, dismounting, . It was not just me but several other bots. That is an insta report. GJ? And before you say it, I had a clean , fresh installation of HB and SEVERAL other bots all over the BG were doing the exact same.
FYI: Mounting is currently broken in AV (only AV as far as I can see) as per OP's post (constant mounts and dismounts, nothing logged at diagnostic level). This is making all PVP botters in AV VERY noticeable so please exclude this from random's if queueing. Routing also seems to be broken in Eye of The Storm (bot makes only very small movements). This is logged as: [Sample Points] 2 call(s) in last 3.0s. Throttling for next 2.8s. : at xH^i|0;\[_u1Ss;e=3\*hmKuMl%.!)Fn`\&OSls$\*Y(vSO4wL^ )B.*****(SamplePointsParameters ) at Styx.Pathing.Navigator.SamplePointsAsync(SamplePointsParameters parameters) at Bots.BGBuddy.Battleground.mB\.PSa\*eyuyTd)YiJBiP~\.?"\,.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at Bots.BGBuddy.Battleground.GetBiggestFightLocation() at Bots.BGBuddy.Battleground.\.\[wZYM 4/r03<#6"ve^Nq5I\,1.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine) at Bots.BGBuddy.Battleground.SetHotspotToBiggestFight() at tfWH`3#SJjc^v\*u@Dg dv\[.qhL\\1976#x<3z78-Q@o}s9Wn2.T-PX/43BZPo%-t-36Xgn%"!o'.MoveNext() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine)
Seems theres a extreme pathing issues on Strand of the Ancients on my prot pali she would path into the right side of red gate and just keep running into the wall just something to look at, I wouldnt find a report bug forum for specifically BGBuddy