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  • BGBuddy seems (how do I say this nicely...) unfinished... broken... challenged...

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by baj2k, Apr 22, 2012.

    1. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Spare me the flames please but I have been using BGBuddy for over 5k kills and have come to the conclusion that it's really not very good (I'm being nice). You basically turn it on and let the odds of hapistance get you the occasional kill so you get 50 - 100 pts per BG (which is like getting 800 on your SAT incidently...) and eventually after 100's of hours you finally get enough points to get fully geared like I did. We're expected to just accept that when we buy HB. Funny though how it's named Honorbuddy when that's what it's the worst at doing... Basically you just turn it on... run the shit out of it so the randon law of averages dictate that you'll someday get enough points for some good PvP gear... and, meanwhile all the time you're hoping nobody reports you as a bot because of your absolutely inane fighting techniques...

      Anyway, these are the specific things that absolutely drive me nuts...

      1) BGB doesn't even try and avoid obvious wipes... I can't count how many times as I'm trotting across WSG that I see the entire Horde team in the far distance way down in the valley running right towards little ole me... closer and closer they get... me screaming abort mission, abort mission, return to base... and of course I'm all alone per usual... but BGB just keeps on truckin', "damn the torpedos, iceberg dead ahead... Broken Arrow... Broken Arrow... Tango-Alpha-Bravo-Xray has been overun... we have sappers through the wire - we are now FFZ"... is heard on battlechat as BGB slams me into 8+ of the opposite team and wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am 5 seconds later you're dead. Then, to top it off, you rez from the GY and head right back to the same spot for a second, third, forth, fifth helping of some more whoop-azz... This is how I inflict most of my damage points aimlessly DOT'ing 8+ toons as they kick my ass, but that DOT'ing a group before you expire adds up :)

      2) It just trots me around waiting to find something to kill... it doesn't follow your team... it ignores what the're doing, unless on the rare occassion it just happens to run close enough by the enemy when you're fighting them, and it may stop and contribute with a timely kill... but even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then... so this is more like a monkey picking stocks & bonds than anything else

      3) It doesn't go after Healers first when in battle... it doesn't target the toons with the lowest HP's for easy kills or KB's... 'nuf said there

      4) No logic to try and complete any of the objectives of the fight, no Flag taking, location holding... etc. Just a dumb bot prancing around looking for an ass whippin

      5) My DK uses Death Grip to pull targets 20 yards away from the Main Tank and the rest of my team who've been beating on the toon until it's near death and now you're soloing it 20 yards away, they're going wtf just happened, and then you don't make the kill because now that his spells aren't getting interupted he Fears you and you going running away like a wuss... and he escapes. This happens at least once or twice every time I'm watching my toon fight in a BG

      6) And my all time favorite... when the smart guys on the other side figure out your a bot and instead of reporting you they camp you at the GY and kick your ass every time the second you pop... that's always good for a few laughs... one guy got 30+ kills and they were all me... :rolleyes:

      What really really irks me is that no-one seems to be working on any of this. It has been like this, or worse, for the 2+ years I've been using it. This can't be that hard to fix. I'm mean I've seen some really amazing logic used by "Kick" in his quest profiles. Some shit that just blew my mind that he could get my toon to do unattended to complete really complicated quests... so, I know if someone at HB really seriously started working on this we'd have the same kind of behavior as we're seeing in Questing profiles. It's not up to Kick to fix everything... "Hey HB team... when can we expect BGB to get some love?????" :rolleyes: If you think about it with the proper profile logic coupled with the speed of the computer a bot should be able to kick the shit out of a real player virtually every time since we humans have to think for a second before we react and computers react in nano-seconds... :confused:

      A few final things, I can answer "yes" to all of these

      I'm using the latest version of HB
      I'm using the correct profile for the BG, I tried all the BG Plugin, most of which don't work anymore and/or aren't supported - nobodies working on them, so no help there.
      I have full set of Season 11 Ruthless gear, fully gem'd, so I'm not fighting in PvE AH trash (Took two weeks running 15+ hrs/day to get that gear running BGB)
      I'm a Dual-Wielding Frost DK set up correctly as far as Glyph's, Runes, Gear, etc. and I do mediocre damage at best when compared to me playing the toon myself. I'm about 3-5x better than BGB, which is nothing to brag on.

      One last thing, yes, I know stfu, quit crying, and deal with it... I wish I could but I don't have 100's of hours to play like most of the kiddie's that dominate this game...
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
    2. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Well, all I can say is, "At least you can get yours to run for more than 1/2 to 1 full BG without it crashing your WoW client, and then you have to reload EVERYTHING, only to have it do it once again." I can't remember which version it was, but I know for a fact it was before 5883, that I was using to bot my rogue to full season 11 with weapons, trinks, etc. I did random BGs, and did constant CTA ABs, and it only took me from Friday to Monday to grind out my full set of PvP gear. I wasn't botting 24 hours either. I was botting BGs probably 8 hrs a day, for those four days. But, anyway, I'm not knocking your POV, and in fact I sort of agree. I was just saying that I can't even get it to run BGs anymore because it crashes ALL the time. BGBuddy is the only bot base that does it. I've tried all the rest of them and none of them crash anything. They all run fine. I've put up error logs and crash reports in the 5883 thread, but I haven't seen anything else about them. Others are having the same issues.
    3. Vimse2009

      Vimse2009 New Member

      Sep 25, 2011
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      Funny how its named HB and its the worst of the bots to use .. tryed it for a couple of hours way to risky takes them 5 min max to figure out its a bot i will never use BGB
      other than that, i have no complaints about the other bots at all i would like to add
    4. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Before BGBuddy blew up into the monster it is now, you'd never know it was a bot. Its mainly due to the fact that once pirox closed down, we took in most (if not all) of their userbase, which caused a very large influx of BGBuddy's in BGs (making it more noticeable). Its just what happens when things get big, you learn all the little details that tell it apart from others.

      9/10 people won't know you're a bot, which is about as good as we can do. (There's no such thing as fully-human behavior when writing bots. Nobody has a machine with enough processing power to even remotely come close. You can only get so close to being human. [Sadly, BGBuddy is smarter in BGs than most of the people you'll typically see in them!])
    5. MoMedic

      MoMedic New Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      This. x1000. lol...

      As I PvP primarily on the Alliance side, I've always laughed to myself when my bot runs LEFT in AV during the opening moments, instead of RIGHT with everybody else. Inevitably running headlong into the oncoming Horde, resulting in a very speedy demise. Although one time, a few weeks ago during AV weekend, my bot ran left, AND COMPLETELY THROUGH the oncoming Horde without one single person stopping to annihilate me.

      All in all, I take botting in BG's for what it is.
    6. Vimse2009

      Vimse2009 New Member

      Sep 25, 2011
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      the main reason i think its so clear its a bot is how it move the click to walk in the bgs it dosent go in a path of the clicks it stops where the click is then a new click and walks there making it sorta walk , stop , walk , stop , if you have a solution for this i would greatly apreciate it
    7. Shinugami

      Shinugami New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      I'm getting pretty good at making my own CCs now, as far as bgs. What I would like to do is to make my own BGbuddy waypoints and conditions. The problem I find with BGbuddy is that bots give away each other as bots or really pro synchronized players. Also I find the fact that my bot will never go for the flag really crap. I have my own blood dk CC and even without the best pvp gear it takes half a team to down him. Surely he'd make a good candidate to carry a flag. I used to return flags all the time with pirox, now it's usually a stalemate if i'm in bg with mostly bots because nobody's bot goes for the flag.
    8. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      It's been my experience that the Horde tends to have a much higher percentage of kids. You know the Horde is a "rebel, anarchist, anti-establishment, break all the rules, give adults and/or your parents the bird" side so it appeals to a younger crowd on average. Most kids have the time to play their toons for hours on end, and probably couldn't get their parents to buy HB anyway. It seems to me though that the Alliance tends on average to be older players who want to make the World a safe place.

      Yes, these are generalizations but from what I've seen watching hundreds of BG's is that the vast majority of "bots" I see are on the Alliance side which is why on my server the Horde wins 70-80% of the BG's. The Horde works as a team, hunts in packs, heals each other, and coordinate their activities on average far better than the Alliance. On the Alliance side all I see in battlechat is "damn (insert botter's toon name here) you suck", "why is everyone heading to... (insert wrong place)" "wtf did you do that for...", "oh great, dipshits on our team again"... "wtf are you healing the Blood DK for when our Tank is getting creamed????", etc.
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
    9. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      Had this problem too, didn't know the reason for it and it's gone since I upgraded my pc.
    10. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Apoc, I agree with this. But I among others have spendt countless of hours giving feedback, so you guys can do small changes to BGBuddy in every release.

      I do understand that you are not gods that can make a BGbot that acts 100% human, but I KNOW that BGBuddy can become better. Just look back how it was earlier. How about trying to do small fixes when you see 10+ people reporting them on the forum? instad of just wait untill it is unusable, and do a big update / rewrite?

      WSG - Stuck outside alliance entrance.
      SoTa - Still fights empty vihicles, still stay @ beach, still have a minor pause befor moving through a destroyed gate.
      AV - Chain deaths running in to boss when the others are wating for towers
      AB - ALL Hb users go for ST / farm in the start, attack a bunch of the other factions solo.
      EoTs - Defends places, but ALL move at the same time leaving the base alone. Goes middle even if our side onlu have 1 base.
      TbfG - ALL HB users go for the first capture of the base.

      There have been many posts regardig the randomness HB acts, and Tony have stated more than one time that it can't be more random than it is now. But I know there can be done changes, and the way BGBuddy are now is not the way it is going to be in 3 months. (f.ex)

      How about a more complex UI where the users can deside what they want their bot to do?
      Like one tab for each BG, and choices that are linked to hotspots in that BG. (and a random button for the lazyones)

      If you can't make it more random, let the users do it.

    11. Smoogel

      Smoogel New Member

      Mar 28, 2010
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      I agree with kayes. Allowing users have more options would make the bot far far better... Or maybe just a small drop down menu with BG 'modes' like agressive, defensive, patrol, support and BGBuddy would change slightly according to the settings. This way it would still be quick and easy to set up but wont have 10 bots in a big ball together.
    12. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      I'm not asking for human behavior... and besides humans are only better at taking seemingly in-congruent information and making sense of it where computers can't. For instance if I tell a computer - my brother's nickname is "Red". Red read a red book while riding in a red car on the Reading railroad. Then I ask the computer "Who is Red and what was he doing?" Computer says... wtf... ??? but a five year old child would say "he's your brother and he was reading a book in a railroad car". What I'm saying is that most of this would be Boolean decision making... something that computers blow people out of the water on... (remember, nano-seconds vs. seconds to run all the options and decide) for instance:

      Here comes several of the other team right at me >>> am I alone >>> if yes, "run Forrest run..." if no, stand your ground.
      There's the flag... is anyone holding it >>> if yes, kill them and grab it and run for home >>> if no, grab it and run for home.
      When in battle... is my target a healer >>> if yes, then kill them >>> if no, then search for a healer to kill and if none are nearby kill nearest target with least HP left
      Create 5 - 10 different paths around the BG... if there are no battles near by and you don't know where to go then use a random number generator to pick a number and then use that number to choose one of those paths. This helps with same path bot swarming

      And please allow us to disable Death Grip for DK pulling... it should only be used for runners... "have I inflicted damage on this toon?" If yes, and he's running away DG to pull him back... If no, then don't use DG. My DK uses DG as it's first spell to pull a target to me away from the battle... now I have most likely pulled someone who was near death 20 yards away from a crowd of my team that was beating on him... and I'm now soloing him away from the group so no heal/nuke support... then, if he Roots/Freezes/Fears me and starts to run away I can't pull him back because of the DG spell cool-down hasn't completed and he escapes death. That's always a real Team pleaser...
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
    13. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I can't belive that every f'ing post I and others address iminent issues just die.

      It kinda pisses me off.
    14. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Is it just me or does it seem that most of the serious upgrading/fixing/enhancing of HB in general has slowed considerably... co-incidently <seemingly> at about the same time Blizzard came knocking at the door... there... I just farted in the elevator...
    15. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hahaha! Also, keep in mind that things have sort of slowed down due to more bots being made for more games. Back when they only had HB/GB to update, things went fairly quickly, but now they're doing bots for that tank game, they were doing a bot for Rift, HB/GB, perhaps D3, and not sure what else they've got cooking. But, also, they're working out issues with Singular, they're working on other stuff too, so it's only natural that the work on HB/GB slows down. It's like I said in a couple of other threads, they're just spreading themselves too thinly over too many projects.
    16. Harben

      Harben New Member

      Oct 8, 2011
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      They're supposed to be developing some kind of "skynet" BGBuddy project so that it stops from botters from getting into the BG.
    17. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Where, exactly, would I put this? Or, is this just something for someone else's information? You'd have to tell me which .cs to put this into, and where, lol.
    18. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      So, would I just append that to the end of both items? I'm sorry Phelon, I'm not a coder, so I don't know exactly what to do. You really don't have to explain it if you don't feel like it. I'm interested in putting that in, but since I don't know how to do it without an explanation then you'd probably get tired of trying to tell me where and how. On the other hand, if it's as easy as searching the .cs for a line, then copy/paste that after the line and save, then that should be rather easy.

      With the PVP.EnsureTargetPVP() line, do I have to add true/false in the parenthesis, or should it be left as in and just pasted in somewhere, and the .cs will do its own thing?
    19. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I would like to add this for Isle of Conquest.

      I got the message: Moving to largest friendly pack.

      Result: Me alone running into a pack of 15-20 allies w/o a sign of friendly players.
    20. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Yah, what he said... I created a file called pvp.cs and put that code in it but I have no idea were to put it (hey now... I heard that :) ) same with the PVP.EnsureTargetPVP() line in combat routine. Were is my combat ruotine and where does the line go... <:)

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