Hello! This is a simple HORDE profile for the black tabby cat, aswell as the buccaneer's set which is used for the Pirate transmog set. The chest sells for 3-4k on most servers, and i've seen the pet go for up to 10k on some servers (mostly due to the Crazy Cat Lady/Man title). You will be farming Stormpike Engineers. Also drops alot of twink items (i.e. Thorbia's gauntlets). The profile has a mailbox and sells all greys, but not the food/drinks. Use grind bot. I've tested this for 7 hours straight and it ran without any problems. If you encounter any though, please let me know! View attachment Black Tabby farm.xml
Try and enter the profile and look for max level and set it to 101 it's probably less since the profile is from 2014