From time to time the automatic Blacklisting doesnt Work. In my Situation the Toon kills a Mob infront of a Mounten so the Toon cant get the Loot, and tryed i dont know how long to get it, and fly up and down and so on. This happens sometime with Loot and Gatherstuff, Ore or Herb.
Again a bad Situation. Doesnt Blacklist the Mob in Target, just stay there and waiting till Toon is dead.
Toon stays left to the Herb, isnt infight, but doesnt move there to gather. [08:39:50:990] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Cinderbloom" at X="1903.16" Y="1635.39" Z="179.206" - tryed 4 times to get it, but doesnt move.