GM's not banning botters I report.. why? - MMO-Champion BlueTracker Posted by Xaf When is Blizzard going to stand up and do something about this? We already do. Every day. We have a team dedicated to this and only this kind of work. They have some really exciting things coming down the line, but as I mentioned before, I cannot share those plans. It's an advantage we shouldn't lose in such a difficult war.
Yes Blizz are planning somthing.... Hide your wife, hide your kids! Because blizz are banning everyone!
I don't know about you guys, but I'm seriously making a run for it! Holy fuck - they're coming! Help!! In all seriousness.. Blizzard has been "planning something big and exciting" for the past five years, and we have yet to see it. There might be something to it this particular time, but I can't really see what makes it so special...
If they had something exciting they wouldn't be sharing it. Its a scare tatic! I'm sure blizzard will get us all one day, it could be tomorrow next week, or even 5more years from now. We're all aware of the risk.
You see... actually Bossland works for Blizzard.. they got into the 'scene' by planting him.. and then we started following him.. and soon, very soon indeed.. he's going to just say "BOO!!!!! , YOUR ALL BANNED!!!!" and that will be that See just wait you'll see LOL
I think if they really wanted to see us all banned they could do it any time they want. But we keep the mats prices low and pay lots of money to them...if we dont get too much its a win/win situation