After my latest bans I tried to appeal the bans. On other accounts, I regularly got my ban lifted (if it was the first issue) and turned into a 72h suspension. But now blizz seems to be less cooperative. After appealing, they just closed the tickets and never gave any reply. Reopened tickets or new tickets get closed after a few minutes with no response. Anybody else watched this? Anything you can do about it?
Rogoff, you were targeted with manual ban, or Abuse of Economy one? Dont remember your ban thread here, sorry about this :/
Well, people from Blizzard might just have read few threads on this very forum, where botters have been telling tales how they successfully fooled Blizz GMs (i.e appealed and got perma ban lifted). No surprise that amount of successful appeals will go down if people cannot hide their glee and boast about their exploits openly. You might think that's a low probability, but I've seen some threads locked/closed even on 3rd party fan-sites, because even there mods/admins found out that the thread with the same question/issue was created both on their forum and here on HB/OC/Blizzhack forum. They aren't as lazy/ignorant as you think. It's naive to believe that Blizzard doesn't monitor these forums.