Hi the other day i was in wow and decided to log of and let my friend log in to check out my toon etc as she did the account was locked due to Due to suspicious activity this was so quick I did not realise they monitored changes live etc. so if i uses proxy for my bots other than my own country will spark a flag i guess ? also just wanted to confirm this is the norm and not watching my account ? Now i do not live in the region i play in and never had a problem with my accounts etc and my ip range would never match the region etc K
With the rampant stealing of accounts going on, they are insanely sensitive with the suspicious activity lock. Locks are not uncommon and nothing to worry about.
Aye true, last few times ive moved my computer to my friends house to play some games over the weekend they locked it But nothing to worry about
yeap . i had this issue more than 5x. no worries. even mailed them. they said they can hold it off on security for my account if i request ..but i must be extra cautious of hackers myself if so. no worries btw!
I use a tunnel service for my bots and my main acocunts. Without tunneling I get 700-1000ms ping. Wtih tunneling I get 200ms~. Since this new security has been in place I've been getting 'locked' 2-5 times a day, the thing is I use 3 tunnels (out of 30+), and only the same 3 tunnels, so it sthe same 3 end point IP addresses. After this carried on for a week I got so freaking pissed off I call them about it, they said, the system learns your IP addresses for the first couple of weeks and adds them to a whitelist, after that if you connect from a different IP address it will lock your account. After 30 minutes of explaining to this guy I only ever have the same 3 end point IP address he admitted there may have been something wrong with the security and there were "a number of other people expierencing the same problem". He assured me all was now right in the world and it would not happen again... ... yeah right! The following day, sure enough it happened again. This time I was still using the exact same tunnel (IP address) as the night before. So off I go calling Blizzard yet again... 45 minutes later I speak to a real person. I explain the previous situation, I explain my newly locked accounts, he looked at the system and said there had not been an address change but it had still locked my account, he could not tell me why. So after 5-10 minutes of me ranting about how shitty this new system was he said he would white list my entire accounts for the maximum period possible, 30 days. During that time they system should learn all the IPs you connect from and this should not happen again .... 21 days to go and we'll see what happens.
I get a DHCP ip address when ever i rebboot the modem which i have done a number of times never in 2 years until my friend logged in from another country did it lock so i am guess they have an ip range set to my account and isp etc