Hello, I have been wondering, since i have used the new ProfessionBuddy profile "Mining-Herb (1-600)GB2 in Pandaria" its take some hours from 1-600, and i have been using it today, and when i was close, i noticed that bot tried to pick up herbs, but there was no loot window, and bot did keep mounting and dismount for the herb again and again, like 5 times, then i paused the bot, and i flew away and tried another herb, but that didnt work either. So i flew half way across Jade Forest, and started the bot again, and now it could pick up the herb's. This have happend before when i was farming Ghost Iron Ore and Jade Forest INFO: Bot Runtime: 3+ Hours Latency: 30/29ms FPS: 100+ Memory: 71.122
Don't know if that's the given case here, but rumours say, blizz does let mobs etc. bug out to see how the character reacts, to identify bots.
I have heard that too, but i just wanted to say it, so its out there, and people might think about it :i im not sure if its blizzard doing it, or it just happens, but now its said.
Thats simply a game bug. It happens quite often. That also happens when you try to loot mobs. Sometimes it just won`t open a loot window. That bug exists as long as I can remember. /reload fixes it most of the times.