Poor timing that I started and finished this just before ThatOneKid put his up! But I guess people will have options, and mine will probably inevitably break so you can go use theirs It'll fly to the isle if it's not there (and you have Mop flying) then will grind until it has enough bones to buy the raptor, then it'll buy it. I tested everything and it all seemed to work okay. It does a loop around the whole island and it's faction neutral with vendors for both sides + mailboxes (though I didn't try to get it on and off the island for mailing but I assume it'll be okay using the flightpath or swimming). I haven't exactly figured out a way to do daily turn-ins without macros so this probably doesn't work in non-english clients (at least for the buying the raptor part). Let me know how you guys go with it, pretty sure I got all the dinosaur IDs in there. There's also no silly maxlevel so people 5 years from now will have no problems with it either. Only 1 issue I found with the profile and that's if it's started inside either shrine it seems to forget that you can't fly through it to get to the island so I highly recommend you start it away from the shrine (I was too lazy to do building checks for both factions for a quick profile).