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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by HenkaN75, Jul 14, 2011.

    1. HenkaN75

      HenkaN75 Member

      Aug 16, 2010
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      Hi, we are 3 peoples sharing this account with 3 sessions and lifetime subscription, so i got 1 session for my own :)
      Im not the owner of this account and i started botting 1 month ago with HB, used an other gatherbot for only farming 1 month before HB (so i have used a bot for 2 month now).
      I started wow 1 month before the cataclysm expansion so im pretty new to wow too :p
      I have seen many threads on this forum regarding the safety of botting so i wanted to share my tip on that :)
      Since i started wow im totally adicted to the game and i need to play it for 5 hours a day minimum and i have never been a day without wow since i started playing it.
      I have goals and things i need to do every week in wow to feel good..like my goal this summer...level 1 char of each class to level 85.
      My tip to all that want to feel safe when botting is that you shall not bot more than you used to play manually before because that will make blizzard a little bit suspicious.
      Now when its my last summer break before i finish high school i play all days long, mostly manually. (have been online for 54 hours now, rogue 1-67 :D)
      All my friends tells me i need help but this is what i wanna do at my spare time ^^

      Paladin lvl 85 (main), manually lvled, total gold aquired = 356k, playtime ~ 73 days, Bs/mining (525), guild leader of a lvl 25 horde guild
      Priest lvl 85, manually lvled, tailoring/herb (525)
      DK lvl 85, manually lvled, bank char with 4 guild tabs full of mats
      Warlock lvl 85, almost 100% botted, farming char Herb/mining (525)
      warrior lvl 80, manually lvled, jewelcrafting (525)
      Mage lvl 80, manually lvled, inscription (525)
      Shaman lvl 70, 100% botted
      Druid lvl 70, 100% botted
      Rogue lvl 70, manually lvled
      Hunter lvl 65, manually lvled
    2. ArcaneThinker

      ArcaneThinker New Member

      Dec 24, 2010
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      Welcome, I believe you have hit the nail on the head as far has how to bot. I would also recommend that if you do bot never do it afk, so if you do get banned it would not be because a gm whispered you, or you were stuck.

      Another note i might make, is that if you play legitimately you will find being able to effectively play more than one or two characters hard to handle. A lot of hardcores would say that you should avoid playing more than one character. That i find to be extremely dull though. I have personally played for about 4 years, but have only botted for one of those years, roughly. And when i first started i was like that, now not so much.

      Anyway i digress, it's all about having fun. For me i can do without personal (local) social contact, so this works well for me.

      Good luck and have fun.

      secarter2k3 likes this.

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