Most Recent Build with fresh from scratch install. Honorbuddy: 3.0 r16078 Build 851 2 noticeable bugs. 1.) Bot will continue to skin/mine/herb while being attacked which leads to unneeded deaths. 2.) Bot will pull all available creatures listed in a MobIds section of a Quest profile when in a target rich environment which leads to unwanted deaths, even if these creatures are neutral. This behavior was previously reported but as of Honorbuddy: 3.0 r16078 Build 851 is still prevalent even when Singular has 'pull-more' set to off/none, or just 1, no setting changes makes any difference. Log attached with both issue in log. If either is a known bug, is there a potential work around as in a <CustomBehavior> that can be used in a questing profile to turn these features off? If so what might they be if known??? View attachment 5844 2016-09-10 17.44.txt
I have the same issues. I make my own profiles with grind bot, and it does the same thing. It waits literally 5 seconds after starting to gather, to attack. I dont like GB2 either because I run stonehide leather barding, and even if i can take a node and run, if im in combat it dismounts me and fights. I find the best GPH being with grind bot still. And the balance druid issue is a known bug, I just used tuhanas routine.
I don't see why we should be forced to 'BUY' a routine when HB comes packaged with one. It should WORK at minimum. If there is a known bug (for the last 50 or so releases from what I've read) then they need to look into fixing it. I don't see why we should have to pay a publisher who found a fix for this, when the product designer won't fix it.
Do you happen to know of a working 'work around' that can be implemented into a Questing profile to assist in offsetting this until a hard fix can be put into place maybe?