RebornBuddy continually switches armor back and forth while I am traveling from one battle/quest to another. It puts a red hat on my character, then a skull cap, then no cap, then back to the red hat and the same routine. It switches through all of the belts in the inventory. It switches through all of the shoes in the inventory. Then, I get a message while I am in battle stating that I cannot switch armor while I am in combat. I do not know which part of the bot is causing this or else I would try to adjust it.
Are you using the Level 1-50 questing pack? It has a Auto Equip in the start of it, I found that to work horribly, and use Agil instead to handle my gear
That will not be supported in the questing profile nor do I recommend it as there are numerous occasions while questing where you must equip a specific piece of gear and leave it equipped for the duration of a quest. The profile automatically turns off AutoEquip during that time so the item will remain equipped, but the profile cannot turn off Agil. If you run Agil with the questing profile and run into issues, I can't help you.
I wasnt saying to use Agil instead for the questing profile, I just prefer using Agil in-general(aka leveling gathering etc), I just have tried to use the AutoEquip tag in my profiles and its a bit buggy in my experiances
Yeah it was probably the AutoEquip and Agil competing for that slot. Best not to use Agil when questing due to what Kaga posted.
I have that problem with Chest pieces that cover the head as well, it will constantly put a head piece on, then put the head-and-chest-piece on...and restart with the head again. Solved it by converting my head-and-chest-piece..
I noticed it happen to rotate gear once. The circumstance was that I was equipped with two specific trouble items. A chest that "does not allow for a helm to be equipped" and legs that "Do not allow for boots to be equipped". On top of those, in my inventory was a similar level chest which did allow a helm, a similar level helm, similar level legs which did allow boots, and similar level boots. I am not at all saying this is what happened, but my guess was that the combined stats of the "no helm/boots" gear and the total of the gear which did allow helm and boots was fairly close, so it kept trying to combine and switch to the best combo. Sorry I don't have a log of the event. I just turned off Agil until I had gained a decent set that was better than the gear that didnt allow helm/boots. Then Agil went along just fine.
Yes this is something that will happen with those "doesn't allow other thing" items. Those items are the bane of Agil's existence.