Hey all, I'm loving the bot, and have for a long time. I was trying to do FATEs with MCH, and my game kept crashing the second it would start to move. I made sure I was running DX9, running it in Admin, had the requirements downloaded, and everything. Tested it on MIN leveling, and again, it works for just a few minutes, then FFXIV auto-closes. Combat assist and other botbases that don't include movement seem to be running just fine however. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?
Okay no, it's actually happening with combat bots as well now. Lisbeth is the only botbase that isn't crashing my whole game.
According to your log, the bot was moving around for almost 5 minutes before it crashed. Unfortunately, there is no indication of why it crashed in your log; the bot simply closed once it detected your game had closed. If RB is causing the crash, I do not see how to fix it other then the standard fresh download following all the steps fix-all.
Okay, sorry for taking a while to reply. I was trying to gather as much data for you as I could. My server gets queues, so I wasn't able to get in and out very quick. The first log is running OrderBot. I used the leveling profile found here. It lasted much longer than usual, and I thought the problem had gone away on it's own at first. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/attac...ing-farming-grinding-mining_leveling_1-50-xml The second log is just the FATE bot, using Ultima CR as MCH, running in Costa Del Sol. Didn't last long this time. Third log is Combat Assist, using Ultima CR as MCH, running in Costa Del Sol. It looks like it started, but the second I moved in-game, it closed out. Fourth log is Combat Assist, using Kupper as a BRD, running in The Mist. It lasted for two seconds. Lisbeth APPEARS to work fine, it's not had any trouble at all. But that is the only botbase working at all for me. All of these logs, I was running FFXIV in Windowed, DX9 at Medium graphics. RB was running as admin, and I used the BuddyWizard between attempts. Everything appeared to be fine according to BuddyWizard. Also, all logs were a completely fresh install, aside from installing Kupper between logs 3 and 4.
There is nothing in any of those logs that indicate that the game is crashing. If the game crashes then don't immediately close it, if you wait then the bot should detect that it timed out during an execution and will log a stack trace if it doesn't then its probably something else interfering with the game like antivirus software.
That's the really strange part. The game and RB run perfectly, no indication of a problem, and then all of a sudden, the game closes, and RB closes at the same time. I'm not closing FFXIV, it's just automatically closing right off my computer, as well as RB. I've disabled all Antivirus for those logs. I've never had a problem before, I've usually been able to look at logs, and see what my dumb ass is doing, but I can't tell what the problem is with this one. Now I'm running actual windowed, instead of borderless windowed, and it deff appears to be running for longer. Been going about 5 minutes without a crash.
Rb will close once it detects that the game is closed. So if something is closing the game then you'll need to figure that part out.
I took a few days away, thanks to a birthday, and came back, hoping that a few reinstalls would help. After yet another completely clean install of both FFXIV and RB, the problem still persists. However, if I run XIV and RB as admin, I get a crash screen with an error message that reads as the following: The only time I ever get this message or crash is when I'm running RB, never when hand-playing the game. Some google-fu showed that it could be a .NET issue, but I reinstalled that as well. I'm really stumped here, unable to use the bot at all.