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  • Bot crashing - not very excited about HB

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by bumtips, Sep 19, 2011.

    1. bumtips

      bumtips New Member

      Sep 8, 2011
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      If i run BG bot (PvP bot), the bot/computer is crashing very, very often. I never had any problems with my computer crashing before... I ran it for like 1 night, and 1 day once without the bot crashing/beeing disconnected from the server.. It usually runs for like 30 minutes to 1-2 hours. Maximum. As far as I'm concerned my settings is what they should be.

      If I'm questing the bot getting stucked pretty fast (using kicks profile), no matter what zone I'm questing in.

      The only part that is "working" decently is grinding... Anyone else having the same issues? I'm pretty disappointed about that I actually purchased the bot as it is for now.. I got like maximum 1 million exp from the bot so far, and I've been trying to run it for like 6 days. Maybe more...
      The end of my latest log file;

    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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