So my bot will occasionally use flying mount, but uses ground mount MUCH more. It's lvl 65 and in terrokar forest, so it's well past zangermarsh. (which is where the bot first started to use flyer according to the profile). Also my settings always change every time i open, or restart the bot. In settings and tools, i have a specific mount for my flying (only because the bot chose not to fly to i put a name in there) and my learn new flight paths, train new skills, find vendor automatically, and use flight paths. I just have USE FLIGHT PATHS checked, but if i start and restart the bot.. it will change it all up to the settings i don't want.. any help with this? and yes... i do hit save and close when I'm done with the settings. Here is the log ahh the log is too big to post here, so ill just have to get another one later. The times always change on the log so i don't even know which is which.. It just has the time and date, but when the time keeps changing I'm not sure what one it is... So for now any help on the other issue?
open the profile with a text editor(i suggest notepad++) hit ctrl+f write flightpath on search and you will see this line <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" TrainNewSkills="True" LearnFlightPaths="True" UseFlightPaths="True" PullDistance="25" /> you can make the changes as you wish there