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  • Bot kill my RENO alone in board, wtf lol !!

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by yoloman, Nov 20, 2015.

    1. yoloman

      yoloman New Member

      Nov 20, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      [Start] Now creating the BotThread.
      [Stats] Start
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:23:13.4871
      calculating ended! 00:23:13.7171
      play action
      play: Mage de sang Thalnos target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 110 ms.
      [UseAt] 2
      calculating stuff... 00:23:17.5383
      calculating ended! 00:23:17.6173
      play action
      minion attack: Savant fou target: Elekk du roi
      calculating stuff... 00:23:21.0605
      calculating ended! 00:23:21.2175
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:23:41.7257
      calculating ended! 00:23:41.9857
      play action
      play: Auspice funeste target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 112 ms.
      [UseAt] 2
      calculating stuff... 00:23:45.8119
      calculating ended! 00:23:45.9179
      play action
      use ablitiy: Explosion de feu target Rexxar
      [Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:23:49.0321
      calculating ended! 00:23:49.1341
      play action
      minion attack: Mage de sang Thalnos target: Rexxar
      calculating stuff... 00:23:51.8463
      calculating ended! 00:23:51.9343
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:24:46.7534
      calculating ended! 00:24:46.9854
      play action
      play: Auspice funeste target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 114 ms.
      [UseAt] 1
      calculating stuff... 00:24:50.4936
      calculating ended! 00:24:50.7026
      play action
      play: Barrière de glace target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 130 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:24:53.5568
      calculating ended! 00:24:53.6528
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:25:22.8845
      calculating ended! 00:25:23.1195
      play action
      play: Intelligence des Arcanes target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 108 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:25:28.9918
      calculating ended! 00:25:29.1858
      play action
      play: Savant fou target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 115 ms.
      [UseAt] 1
      calculating stuff... 00:25:32.7990
      calculating ended! 00:25:32.8870
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:26:06.4250
      calculating ended! 00:26:06.7040
      play action
      minion attack: Savant fou target: Rexxar
      calculating stuff... 00:26:16.4215
      calculating ended! 00:26:16.6545
      play action
      play: Nova de givre target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 111 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:26:19.5317
      calculating ended! 00:26:19.7197
      play action
      play: Cône de froid target: Souffleur targetEnt 71
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 110 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:26:23.2409
      calculating ended! 00:26:23.3869
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:26:57.5089
      calculating ended! 00:26:57.7709
      play action
      play: Choc de flammes target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 129 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:27:01.3281
      calculating ended! 00:27:01.4061
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:27:26.3685
      calculating ended! 00:27:26.6555
      play action
      play: Intelligence des Arcanes target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 112 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:27:32.3749
      calculating ended! 00:27:32.6719
      play action
      play: Torche oubliée target: Illidan Hurlorage targetEnt 22
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 129 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:27:36.2701
      calculating ended! 00:27:36.4711
      play action
      play: Éclair de givre target: Illidan Hurlorage targetEnt 22
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 130 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:27:40.0083
      calculating ended! 00:27:40.0903
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:28:02.9416
      calculating ended! 00:28:03.2396
      play action
      play: Empereur Thaurissan target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 129 ms.
      [UseAt] 1
      calculating stuff... 00:28:09.3240
      calculating ended! 00:28:09.5730
      play action
      use ablitiy: Explosion de feu target Flamme d’Azzinoth
      [Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:28:12.6742
      calculating ended! 00:28:12.7552
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:28:59.0408
      calculating ended! 00:28:59.4408
      play action
      minion attack: Empereur Thaurissan target: Rexxar
      calculating stuff... 00:29:17.4239
      calculating ended! 00:29:17.7409
      play action
      play: Reno Jackson target nothing
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 111 ms.
      [UseAt] 2
      calculating stuff... 00:29:24.6673
      calculating ended! 00:29:24.9583
      play action
      use ablitiy: Explosion de feu target Rexxar
      [Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:29:28.2385
      calculating ended! 00:29:28.3225
      end turn
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
      [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
      calculating stuff... 00:30:13.4921
      calculating ended! 00:30:13.9421
      play action
      play: Javelot de glace target: Rexxar targetEnt 64
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 129 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:30:17.5763
      calculating ended! 00:30:17.9573
      play action
      play: Torche enflammée target: Reno Jackson targetEnt 46
      [Pickup] The card was picked up in 128 ms.
      calculating stuff... 00:30:21.4735
      calculating ended! 00:30:21.7406
      play action
      use ablitiy: Explosion de feu target Rexxar
      [Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
      [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
      [Stats] Stop
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      attache the full Hb and UI log files
    3. yoloman

      yoloman New Member

      Nov 20, 2015
      Likes Received:
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      Done, thanks for your support !


      have a good day...

      Attached Files:

    4. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      and your UILogg_2015-11-21_00-20-54.txt as well plz

    5. yoloman

      yoloman New Member

      Nov 20, 2015
      Likes Received:
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      Hello, sorry but this file are not in my Hearthbuddy folders: [​IMG]
    6. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      its under \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\
    7. yoloman

      yoloman New Member

      Nov 20, 2015
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      Do you see my picture ? its the correct directory ! and this file are not here...Moreover, i use the search command on the hearthbuddy root, i don't have this file, it's sure...
    8. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      then you deleted it,the log file we are talking about is connected to the Hb log file provided above
    9. yoloman

      yoloman New Member

      Nov 20, 2015
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      The correct file on my game with Reno is UILogg_2015-11-21_00-22-16.txt ! verify it in "Hearthbuddy 1168 2015-11-21 00.20.txt ...

      And search this line:

      "2015-11-20 23:22:16,987 [20] INFO CustomLogger (null) - fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-11-21_00-22-16.txt"

      Here, just under it, you'll see my gaming with reno who have been killed...


      Attached Files:

    10. Coolmaster

      Coolmaster Member

      Aug 16, 2013
      Likes Received:
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      yoloman, thanks. The problem has been fixed, and you will get the solution in the next update.

      Also recommend:
      - microsoft visual c++ 2005-2015 x86 redistributable

      restart your pc,
      download the buddywizard
      run them as administrator.
      after wizard installation is done, run windows update. And install all updates for .net & c++
    11. yoloman

      yoloman New Member

      Nov 20, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Hello, thanks for your quick awser, if it can help too the programmers, i have got the same problem with my rogue bot who was killed my piloted shredders, but sorry, long time ago and i don't have the file to show you, sorry...

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