Hi there, I haven't used HB for at least a year, but I used to be a pretty active user. Just getting back into it. I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is some bad logic in the bot that can be fixed. Situation: Board: I have a Knife Juggler, opponent has a 2/2 treant The play: On T7 I have a Dr. Boom and the bot decides to play it (great decision). Unfortunately, my Knife Juggler attacks the treant FIRST, then the bot drops boom. Obviously this is a poor play. Dropping Boom with Juggler out gives us a chance to destroy the 2 health treant without killing off Juggler. At the very least, we will do at least two extra damage to the opponent by playing Boom before we kill Juggler. Is this a bug in the logic? Or did I do something silly in setup? Here is the log file. Said bad play happens @ : 2015-12-29 23:09:57,956 View attachment Hearthbuddy 5992 2015-12-29 14.41.txt
gamingsynergies, thanks. The problem has been fixed, check your pm. Community will get the solution in the next update.
Wow that is awesome! Mind sharing what the issue was? I am just curious (trying to be better at some of my edits as well). Was the issue with Treant, as its a SUPER uncommon card?