So I was just playing against a druid. Enemy ran out of cards. (he had a 12/12 deathwing out) The situation is that I used powerword shield to draw a card. I drew a Shadow word: Death I had 14 HP, and the bot conceded. Even though, I had the card advantage + ability to mill him due to him having no more cards and nothing on the board. But the bot conceded even though it was a clear win. I feel like this bot makes weird decisions at times. Especially if it's not a face rush deck. I notice that it will try to play high power cards first, regardless of the effect. The bot concedes on some weird times too, even though there is a method of survival it still will concede. It also entombs cards that are absolutely garbage. For example; it will use entomb on a acolyte of pain early on. I feel like it should have a minimum requirement to entomb (Survival/deny cards if the enemy hand is empty/high priority targets/taunts) View attachment Hearthbuddy 12656 2016-08-19 02.01.txt View attachment UILogg_2016-08-19_12-27-15.txt
waffleman123, thanks. The problem has been fixed, check your pm. Community will get the solution in the next update.
Thanks. Another issue I noticed. Is the bot doesn't heal self properly. It values minion play over self healing. It doesn't make an assumption of enemy cards. For example in this case I had 9 HP. He had a weapon + 3 cards in hand. 12 HP, and I had well more than enough minions to win. But the bot refused to heal to 11 HP, instead he played blackwing technician. The warrior then placed down Grommash, used blood to ichor on it and hit face. If the bot prioritized the heal I would have won. Here's the logs: View attachment UILogg_2016-08-21_02-32-49.txt View attachment Hearthbuddy 11640 2016-08-21 02.30.txt