Currently when botting in Hyjal I seem to come across the mob Fiery Minion. It seems the bot or CC classes it as a pet mob (The mob dies once summoner is dead). Sadly this is not the case. The Fiery Minion is a pet mob of Twilight Scorchlord but does not die once Twilight Scorchlord is dead. Would this be a CC issue or a bot issue? Either way it stops me from AFK farming in Hyjal.
chances are, its a blizzard issue. sometimes they dont set unit flags properly or do "hacks" on their own system in order to make certain things work. for example the Peacebloom Vs Ghouls, NPC, the NPC that you start it from isnt the same NPC thats in game. the CC can fix it if you know how to get it to retarget what i needs to retarget or whatever is needed to actually kill the mob, and doing so would probably be the most effective way to deal with the "bug" unless your farming or something then it would be better just to re-do the profile to ignore the area all together.
I have come across this mobs and my character killed both of them. So it is not the bot I think. Maybe it is CC or it is the CombatHelper plugin that I use all the time that does this job.
I am using Ultimate Pala Healer CC. I am not sure, last time I used combat helper it completely bugged out and gave me a lot of errors. Codename does sound right, although that is more of a workaround then a fix. I was hoping it could be fixed with HB, makes questing a pain in the ass.
I will try that after I have finished my current farming session and update you with the results soon.