hi, how can i turn off selling of blue and greens? i just caught my bot selling all my 2nd gear set for healing and 3rd set for tanking, which really sucks.
open the profile with a text editor and on profile's firs lines you will see the options about item quality
set it to false in the profile PHP: <SellGreen>False</SellGreen><SellBlue>False</SellBlue> or put the items to the protected items.xml (not recommended)
Do you use Autoequip? If so you can just turn it of there. Otherwise you have to disable this option in the profile (open with editor and set sell green/white/blue... from true to false)
thx guys, i was using kicks questing profiles. edit: i found <SellBlue>False</SellBlue> in the profile, but it did sell all my blue stuffs anyway? and i don't use autoequip.