Bot is trying to end while casting, looks like it hangs Hearthstone or itself. [00:03:07.507 N] Starting practice match against AI_NORMAL_HUNTER using deck with ID 9030520. [00:03:38.033 N] Selecting starting hand... [00:03:43.116 N] Ending turn. [00:03:46.935 N] Selected my starting hand! [00:03:58.059 N] Checking hand cards priorities : [00:03:58.075 N] Card Fireblast has a very low priority [00:03:58.079 N] Card Arcane Explosion must be ignored [00:03:58.080 N] Grabbing card: Fireblast [00:04:01.156 N] Targeting card: [name=Rexxar id=36 zone=PLAY zonePos=0 cardId=HERO_05 player=2] [00:04:12.922 N] Ending turn. [02:36:51.350 N] Bot has stopped. [02:36:57.444 N] Starting the bot! [02:41:45.224 N] Bot has stopped.
This is happening with no matter what deck I use. I have been able to replicate it on all decks. It wants to play a card, but ends turn while holding that card by my observation.
i let it run at night and when i come back in the morning i always see the hearthstone screen on a victory or loss screen and the bot not doing anything. looks like it gets hung up in between clicking past the victory screen and creating a new game.
yeah this isn't what this is doing. Usually there are 3 or 4 cards in hand and a gap between them (like a card is still being played) but the bot has hit the End Turn button. Could be a bug with Hearthbuddy, could be a bug with Hearthstone
And again, I just don't know what to do to keep this thing going. Starting practice match against AI_NORMAL_WARRIOR using deck with ID 73464855. Selecting starting hand... Replacing Tundra Rhino in starting hand. Ending turn. Selected my starting hand! Checking hand cards priorities : Card Arcane Shot must be ignored Card Bloodfen Raptor has a low priority Card Steady Shot has a very low priority Grabbing card: Bloodfen Raptor Dropping currently held card! Checking hand cards priorities : Card Hunter's Mark must be ignored Checking hand cards priorities : Card Hunter's Mark must be ignored Ending turn.
No improvement with .38 Starting the bot! Starting practice match against AI_NORMAL_WARRIOR using deck with ID 73464855. Selecting starting hand... Ending turn. Selected my starting hand! Checking hand cards priorities : Card Starving Buzzard has a normal priority Card Steady Shot has a very low priority Card River Crocolisk has a low priority Card Bloodfen Raptor has a low priority Card Elven Archer must be ignored Grabbing card: Starving Buzzard Dropping currently held card! Ending turn.
Im having the same problem. In Practice mode it will freeze usually at the beginning of a hand after about 2-3 wins. I have to close the App, HB, and then force kill the HB session to get it working again. It works and then freezes again after about 2 wins. Please Help