Hiho, i used the forum search function multiple times and couldnt find a solution to my problem. I am running kicks 12-58 questing pack. The bot seems to "stop and go" while moving as if he cant load the next waypoint fast enough. Its not a pc resource issue. It ocures only on 1 of the 2 bots i am running atm. I restarted the bot with no effect. There are no informations worth reporting in the Log Debug Infor or Navigation log. He is not constantly loading tiles and the rest seems completly normal to me. The first time it occured was after i made the bot do 1 Instancebuddy run to even the level out to 34. Thank you for taking the time to read this thread. with friendly greetings Nexus129
This plugin should mostly fix the stop and go. does not work with GB2. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...plugin-nav-autoprecision-no-more-stop-go.html
Oh thank you sooo much i repped you for that edit: okidoki it does not seem that it fixed my problem completly, is there anything else that could cause such an issue?
could be a reasource issue as in the calcualations for the path requires a bit extra cpu time to generate the vectors and making a bit jerky. you could try turning down the display settings on wow to see if that helps any
give us your log as well http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html