Since WoD I have been wanting to get back to botting and I love honorbuddy as I never really have any problems with it, it just runs. Since WoD however, my bot has just not worked very well at all and I have just waited and hoped it would get better but I figured I'd check since people seem to be running their bots fine. For me if I try to but whether it be grinding, questing, honor farming or whatever it can run fine for maybe 10-15m and then randomly it just closes down my WoW process. I can't figure out why this is as I have not changed anything on my PC since MoP. Is this normal right now and is it just instability as everything is new with WoD? This is what happens: Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped! Bot stopping! Reason: Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped! Honorbuddy terminating in 20 seconds. Edit: It might be happening when I alt-tab for some reason. Here's a log of the last time it crashed and it crashed as soon as it attacked the first mob. View attachment 3788 2014-11-28 17.09.txt Edit2: I think I actually solved it. I made it run window mode in 1280x720 resolution and it hasn't crashed once for over an hour now.