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  • Bot vendoring important item

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by marrvin, Jun 10, 2017.

    1. marrvin

      marrvin Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      After corpse pickup my toon started a "vendor run" by summoning vendor mount and sold soulbound epic artefact relics (with higher iLevel than equipped) and also an unlearned cooking recepipe (soulbound).
      I stopped the bot to buy back the items ;)

      I have the log, but the items that were sold are not listet unfortunately.
      Here an excerpt:

      [09:58:35.525 D] Cleared POI
      [09:58:35.591 D] [Flightor] Set up for movement from <3473.449, 4595.443, 681.4697> to <4069.965, 4410.103, 768.1867>
      [09:58:35.592 D] [Flightor] We are indoors. Moving from <3473.449, 4595.443, 681.4697> to <3496.422, 4622.485, 823.8929> (Hill Ettin) to take off
      [09:58:45.633 N] Lifespan more then 10 secs
      [09:58:45.754 V] Planned a path from <3530.952, 4637.048, 701.4873> to <4069.965, 4410.103, 768.1867> (861.8 yards)
      [09:59:04.087 D] Stopped moving.
      [09:59:04.141 N] Summoning vendor mount (Traveler's Tundra Mammoth) for vendor run
      [09:59:05.480 D] Changed maps to HighMountainMesa, Troll Raid
      [09:59:06.571 D] Changed POI to: Type: Repair, Name: Galica Bravepaw, NavType: Fly
      [09:59:07.190 D] Interacting with Drix Blackwrench (Unit Id: 32641)
      [09:59:07.538 D] Selling items
      [09:59:07.672 D] Activity: Selling Items
      [09:59:12.539 D] Repairing items
      [09:59:12.541 D] Activity: Repairing Items
      [09:59:13.067 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 5.5 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in OnBotStopped)
      [09:59:13.016 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: None Given[/code]
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      we need the full log file

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