Level 31 rogue using kicks svn trunk with all the files transferred into HB where they need to be quest behaviours and so on, still having this isssue did not have until i reached level 31. Log posted below. [5:04:57 AM:294] Starting the bot! [5:04:57 AM:305] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True [5:04:57 AM:676] Changing current profile to [A - Quest] Human 12-58 [Kick] [5:04:58 AM:370] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up [5:04:58 AM:370] Cleared POI [5:04:59 AM:823] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g4s29c] [5:04:59 AM:843] Activity: Loading Tile/s [5:04:59 AM:843] Loading Azeroth_32_53 [5:05:00 AM:263] Goal: Grinding to level 11 [5:05:00 AM:263] [Profile Message]: Compiling Westfall Quests [5:05:03 AM:530] Goal: Grinding to level 16 [5:05:03 AM:531] [Profile Message]: Compiling Redridge Quests [5:05:03 AM:594] Goal: Grinding to level 21 [5:05:03 AM:595] [Profile Message]: Compiling Duskwood Quests [5:05:07 AM:480] Goal: Grinding to level 27 [5:05:07 AM:481] [Profile Message]: Compiling N. STV Quests [5:05:07 AM:488] Goal: User Attention Required... [5:05:07 AM:488] Activity: Waiting for user dialog to close [5:05:10 AM:436] Activity: Continuing profile due to User request [5:05:10 AM:436] [UserDialog-v184(user response) @line 4317]: Continuing profile due to User request [5:05:12 AM:429] Could not find quest with ID 196! (Or could I: False) [5:05:12 AM:429] Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 687! [5:05:12 AM:429] Could not create current in quest bot! [5:05:12 AM:429] Stop called! [5:05:12 AM:435] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped [5:05:12 AM:449] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick() at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run() [5:05:12 AM:449] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
Do you have the item number 687 in your bag? if not get it before continuing. And problem with kicks profile please write in kicks thread. Ok i se what the problem might be, you have klicked on the quest popup screen and completed a quest before the bot or something? this quest has to d with klilling raptiors, starting with quest 195 when killed the first 10 it completes to quest 196 then the last 10 raptors are 197.
if the case is that the quest is already completed manually you must comment out/delete the quest from the profile but is that the case?have you done the quest manually?
i did compelte part fo the quest manually i spoke to an npc and turned in a quest that i believe was part of a series so that may have been what messed it up.
ok i tried the hb restart i also tried deleting the quest right out of the xml file it it still coming up with same error am i missing something somewhere else in the xml file? The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 3459 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 4459, position 6. ok I got somewhere, but now im confused cause i got rid of both lines and now it wont even load the profile grrrrrrrrr could be overtired and not paying attention but its got me stumped.
make sure that all the lines for that quest are commented out/deleted if you still got problems make a post on Kick's profile thread and he will check it
i found it i missed 1 character when i did the line delete grrrrrr ty for the help next time i will post in kicks forum sorry.