So since buying this botbase it seems to have never been updated and to be getting worse. As most people on the forum for this botbase I thought that when I brought this product it was in Beta as it was stated and it would be getting better but it seems to be just the opposite. This botbase is getting worse with no updates and no sign of Natfoth (the dude that scripted it). There are alot of complaints on the forum and no replay so I figured this to be the best way to get some attention on this. It is my understanding that the buddy store is there to protect both Creator and User, So I would like to see what will be done for the people that have brought this botbase and now are left with a worthless script.
well on the general basis of this been support, Where should people who have brought this go for assistance? I remember reading something saying all scripters that are on the buddy store had to sign a contract, What did this contract state? i.e if X amount of people pay for the script and 2 weeks later you stop supporting it what happens then?