Testing Very nice. Ill look into the id's as soon as i get around to it. Got a little to much work to do atm. And ill continue with the testing to very good and promising bot base Update: it works very good for timber farming when you put it in a blank profile in spires of arak and gorgroud. Struggles on blank profile in nagrand. Very much jumping around. Got 800 timber in half an hour to an hour in both spires and gorground on blank profile
I can only start it once, then it freezes/creahes (after I pause it manually) then I have to restart Honorbuddy again know why? Here's the log:
Mine wont load settings if i stop it once.. not the reason im posting.. im posting because there is no check for turning in work orders... what i mean is im at kurt broadoak trying to turn in work orders but i dont have any cerulean pigment... so its just stuck on the window trying to turn in work orders when i dont have the mats necessary to turn them in. What its saying is no profile, waiting. I still have work orders for the dwarvern bunker and trade post and my alchemy place it hasnt tried to turn in.
re-loaded profile, bot is now moving, but its just going to the same hotspots saying patrolling on the bottom of honorbuddy. goes to cache then by herbs and mine, then repeats.
ok changed radius to 400, now its running into the wall ( it has done this at 200) of my alchemy lab.